- ‘Digging for data: Notes on architectural history, architecture and town planning’
paper International Conference ‘Urban Heritage and Sustainable Infrastructure Development’, Semarang (2014, November 22)
- ‘Planning for people: Town planning in the Dutch East Indies (1905-1950)’
seminar University of North Sumatra (USU), Medan (2014, November 14)
- ‘Tricks and trades of historical research’
paper National Workshop ‘Historical Data for Inner City Development’, Jakarta (2014, October 28)
- ‘A repository for sources about European colonial architecture and town planning (c.1850–1970): Creating a digital (research) tool’
paper National Workshop ‘Historical Data for Inner City Development’, Jakarta (2014, October 27)
- ‘Koloniale architectuur en stedenbouw in Indonesië: wat er stond en staat’ [‘Colonial architecture and town planning in Indonesia: what was and is’]
lecture Radboud University Education for the Third Age (RU HOVO/Senioren Academie), Nijmegen (2014, July 3)
- ‘New grounds: Planning and housing in the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia (1905-50)’
paper ‘Annual Meeting’ American Association of Geographers (AAG), Tampa (2014, April 8)
- ‘Hot stuff: Dutch colonial architecture and town planning in Indonesia’
seminar University of Cambridge, Cambridge (2013, November 14)
- ‘Designing the city: Town planning in the Indonesian archipelago (1905-1950)’
seminar Tarumanegara University (UNTAR), Jakarta (2013, September 13)
- ‘Confronting built heritage: The appropriation of colonial architecture and planning in Indonesia’ (revised version)
paper International Workshop ‘Dissonant architectural heritage in the postcolonial age: On the changing perceptions of ‘colonial’ architecture in recent decades’, Lisbon (2013, February 18-20)
- ‘Confronting built heritage: The appropriation of colonial architecture and planning in Indonesia’, paper International Conference ‘Societies & Cities in Comparative Perspective’, Prague (2012, August 29-September 1)
- ‘Verleden met toekomst. Koloniale architectuur in Surabaya’ [‘History with a future: Colonial architecture in Surabaya’]
lecture Kumpulan Bronbeek/Werkgroep Indisch Erfgoed Apeldoorn, Arnhem (2012, March 18)
- ‘Lapis legit. De gebouwde gelaagdheid van Jakarta (Indonesië)’ [‘Lapis legit: Jakarta’s layered built heritage’]
lecture Ghent University (UGent), Gent (2011, November 30)
- ‘Designing colonial cities: The making of modern town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia (1905-1950)’
paper International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden (2011, April 17)
- ‘Town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia’
seminar University of Technology (ITB), Bandung (2010, November 29)
- ‘New times, new needs: Town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia (1905-1950)’
paper International Conference ‘Transformasi morfologi dalam ruang perkotaan’, Semarang (2010, November 20)
- ‘Designing the town: Town planning in the Dutch East Indies (1905-1950)’
seminar University of Technology (ITS), Surabaya (2010, March 18)
- ‘De (her)ontdekking van Indische architectuur en stedenbouw’ [‘The (re)discovery of Dutch Indian architecture and town planning’]
lecture Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG), Groningen (2009, November 26)
- ‘Dutch Design in the Indisch Archipelago’
lecture Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam (2009, September 24)
- ‘Town planning in the Dutch East Indies & Indonesia’
lecture University of Technology (TUD), Delft (2009, September 14)
- ‘Complicated, challenging and exciting: Rehabilitating colonial built heritage in Indonesia’
paper International Conference ‘Whose East Asia? East Asian Architecture and Urbanism under Occidentalism’, Tainan (2009, April 10-13)
- ‘Zaman Dulu? Ontwikkelingen in architectuur en stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië in de twintigste eeuw’ [‘Zaman dulu? Developments in architecture and town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia in the twentieth century’]
lecture Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Education for the Third Age (RUG HOVO/Senioren Academie), Groningen (2008, October 8)
- ‘Van Batavia tot Jakarta [‘From Batavia to Jakarta’]
lecture Pasar Malam Besar, The Hague (2008, May 25)
- ‘De herontdekking van de Indische stad’ [‘The rediscovery of the Dutch Indian town’]
lecture Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG), Groningen (2008, May 19)
- ‘Werken aan de stad. Stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië (1905-1951)’ [‘Working on the city: Town planning in the Dutch East Indies (1905-1951)’]
lecture Kumpulan Bronbeek/Werkgroep Indisch Erfgoed Apeldoorn, Arnhem (2008, February 10)
- ‘Jakarta’
lecture Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam (ARCAM), Amsterdam (2007, December 10) in collaboration with ir Steef Buijs
- ‘Zaman dulu? Ontwikkelingen in architectuur en stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië in de twintigste eeuw’ [‘Zaman dulu? Developments in architecture and town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia in the twentieth century’]
lecture Stichting Ouderenwerk Archipelwijk, The Hague (2007, November 14)
- ‘Town Planning as Central Problem’
paper International Workshop ‘The decolonisation of the Indonesian city (1930-1960) in (Asian and African) comparative perspective’, Leiden (2006, April 26-28)
- ‘Planning is Politics: Development and Preservation of Colonial Architecture and Town Planning in Bandung, Indonesia’
paper International Conference ‘Heritage at Risk: Preservation of 20th Century Architecture and World Heritage’, Moscow (2006, April 17-20)
- ‘Zaman dulu? Ontwikkelingen in architectuur en stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië in de twintigste eeuw’ [‘Zaman dulu? Developments in architecture and town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia in the twentieth century’]
lecture Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap (KOG), Amsterdam (2006, January 23)
- ‘Professors from Kentucky: The Americanization of Indonesian Planning after 1956’
International Conference ‘The Americanization of Post-War Architecture’, Toronto (2005, December 1-3)
- ‘Koloniaal gebouwd erfgoed in Indonesië’ [‘Colonial Built Heritage in Indonesia’]
lecture Ghent University (UGent), Gent (2005, November 10)
- ‘Positioning Colonial Built Heritage: The Dutch East Indies, a Case-Study’
paper International Conference ‘Le patrimoine architectural des empires coloniaux Européens’, Paris (2005, September 7-9)
- ‘Preservation Theory and Practice: Examples from Amsterdam’
lecture International Design Workshop ‘Sustainable Interventions’, Jakarta (2005, July 4-15)
- ‘Koloniaal gebouw erfgoed. Lust of last?’ [‘Colonial Built Heritage: Asset or Drawback?’]
lecture Vrije Universiteit (VU), Amsterdam (2005, March 4)
- ‘Facilitating Studies: ICOMOS Shared Built Heritage Student Help Desk’
lecture International Symposium ‘Dutch Involvement in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Overseas’, Delft (2004, November 25-26)
- ‘Yours or Mine? Architectural Heritage in Indonesia’
paper International Conference ‘Safeguarding and Revitalising Local Heritage’, Shanghai (2004, October 28-30)
- ‘The Trouble with Conservation’
lecture Bandung Society for Heritage Conservation, Bandung (2004, August 31)
- ‘Expanding Grounds: The Roots of Spatial Planning in Indonesia’
paper International Conference ‘Urban History in Indonesia in the Era of Transition (1900-1970)’, Surabaya (2004, August 22-25)
- ‘Inleiding architectuur in Nederlands-Indië 1900-1951’ [‘Introduction to Architecture in the Dutch East Indies’]
lecture National Conference Koninklijke Nederlandse Oudheidkundige Bond (KNOB), Delft (2001, January 27)
- ‘Does a study in art-history provide more than good conversation over dinner?’
paper Regional Conference ‘Writing and Teaching History of Architecture’, Tarumanegara University (UNTAR), Jakarta (2000, November 20)
- ‘Geschiedenis en stedenbouwkundige ontwikkeling van Amsterdam 1200-1995’ [‘The History and Urban Development of Amsterdam’]
lectures Free University (VU), Amsterdam (1996 & 1997, August)
- ‘Architectuur in Nederlands-Indië 1900-1951’ [‘Architecture in the Dutch East Indies 1900-1951’]
lecture Free University Education for the Third Age (VU HOVO/Senioren Academie), Amsterdam (1995)