Heritage combines the three topics that move me most: culture, history and people. Separately and combined, they intrigue, inspire and invigorate my professional life.
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Heritage combines the three topics that move me most: culture, history and people. Separately and combined, they intrigue, inspire and invigorate my professional life.
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History and the built environment of the twentieth century are at the topics that steer my research. To conduct my research, I employ a historical as well as an empirical and participatory approach. My research findings are scholarly, practicable and accessible, and presented in written and oral form. All published texts can be downloaded freely via this website (under Creative Commons Licence ).
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After more than 25 years of experience in heritage, I am extremely familiar with collections, archives and libraries, major and minor players, views and opinions, and business and funding opportunities related to architecture, town planning, and the (performing) arts. To share this knowledge, my consultancy activities cover a wide range of activities, ranging from content to organisation/practicalities.
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With PKMvR, you are accessing knowledge built over 25 years of working on Indonesian (post) colonial architecture and planning.