- ‘Through Trial and Error: Housing in the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies around 1900’ in: Anita Halim Lim, Melle van Maanen, Gadis Fitriana Putri (eds.), Indonesia and the Amsterdam School: When Culture Crosses the Ocean, Museum Het Schip, Amsterdam, 2024, 214-230
- ‘Henri en Jean Estourgie. Architecten in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië‘, Indies tijdschrift (2023)
- ‘Medans koloniale kampongs‘, Indies tijdschrift (2023)
- ‘Sekelumit tentang Empat Kampung Kolonial Medan‘, Analisa (16-4-2023) (English translation)
- ‘Herkennen en erkennen. Bevindingen en aanbevelingen voor de dekolonisatie van de gebouwde omgeving‘, Archined (13-2-2023)
- ‘Het koloniale verleden is niet te vatten in baksteen, beton of hout‘, de Architect (11-10-2022)
- ‘Kanttekeningen bij Indische bouwkunst van Obbe Norbruis‘, Indies tijdschrift (2022) (book review (English translation) + bonus appendix)
- ‘More than Meets the Eye: Traces of a Colonial Past in the City of Rotterdam’ in Gert Oostindie (ed.), Colonialism and Slavery: An Alternative History of the Port City of Rotterdam, Leiden University Press, Leiden, 2021, 131-153
- ‘Verhalen over koloniaal erfgoed. De bungalows in Kaliurang (Indonesië)’, ArchiNed (3-11-2021) (book review)
- ‘Erfgoed heeft vele vaders. De bungalows in Kaliurang (Indonesië)’, Indies Tijdschrift no 2 (2021), 22-23 (book review)
- ‘Southeast Asia’s Modern Architecture: Questions of Translation, Epistemology and Power. Edited by Jiat-Hwee Chang and Imran bin Tajudeen. Singapore: NUS Press, 2019’, Sojourn no 1 (2021), 185-187 (book review)
- ‘Sugar and the City: The Contribution of three Chinese-Indonesian Compradors to Architecture and Planning in the Dutch East Indies (1900-1942)’, Architectural Histories (Special Collection) no 1 (2020), 1-22
- ‘Een ander Rotterdam. Sporen van het koloniale verleden in architectuur en stedenbouw’ in: Gert Oostindie (ed.), Het koloniale verleden van Rotterdam, Boom uitgevers, Amsterdam, 2020, 194-257
- ‘Lemei & Nobile de Vistarini. Het NIEUWE BOUWEN in Indië’, Indies Tijdschrift no 2 (2020), 15 (book review)
- ‘De Bruynzeelwoning. Functioneel, eenvoudig, modulair, mooi en betaalbaar’, Indies Tijdschrift no 1 (2020), 12-13 (book review)
- ‘Karsten & Semarang’, IZI.TRAVEL: The Story Telling Platform (audio-visual tour)
- ‘Een (Oost) Afrikaanse pilot voor UNESCOs HUL-methode’, ArchiNed (20-6-2019) (book review)
- ‘An Indisch Career in Five Stages: A Brief Account of the Indisch Life and Works of Henri and Jean Estourgie’ in: Timoticin Kwanda, H.L.J.M. Estourgie and Son: Architects in Surabaya and Beyond, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Surabaya, 10-25
- ‘Selamatkan Bangunan Cagar Budaya’, Suara Merdeka (20-11-2017)
- Digging4Data: How to do research on the built environment in Indonesia, 1920-1950, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort / National Archives of the Netherlands, The Hague, 2017 (co-editor Johan van Langen, co-authors Nadia Purwestri, Huib Akihary)
- Digging4Data: Bagaimana meneliti lingkungan terbangun di Indonesia, 1920-1950, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort / National Archives of the Netherlands, The Hague, 2017 (co-editor Johan van Langen, co-authors Nadia Purwestri, Huib Akihary)
- ‘Modern Indisch town planning’ in: Joost Coté, Hugh O’Neill (eds.), The Life and Work of Thomas Karsten, Architectura & Natura Publishers, Amsterdam, 2017, 265-303
- ‘Laura Victoir and Victor Zatsepine (eds), Harbin to Hanoi: The Colonial Built Environment in Asia, 1840 to 1940’, ABE Journal no 9-10 (2017) (book review)
- ‘Bouwen in turbulente tijden. Het werk van Ingenieurs-Bureau Ingenegeren-Vrijburg (IBIV) (1936-1957)’, Bulletin KNOB no 1 (2016), 34-50 (co-author: Maarten Hercules)
- ‘Netherlands Indies Town Planning: An Agent for Modernisation’ in: Freek Colombijn, Joost Coté (eds.), Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs: The Modernization of the Indonesian City, 1920-1960, Brill Publishers, Leiden, 2014, 87-119
- ‘The Dutch East Indies: An Ineffective Shot Across The Bows‘ in: Evelien van Es, Gregor Harbusch, Bruno Maurer, Muriel Perez, Kees Somer, Daniel Weiss (eds.), Atlas of the Functional City: CIAM 4 and Comparative Urban Analysis, Thoth Publishers/GTA Verlag, Bussum/Zürich, 2014, 134-147
- ‘Confronting built heritage: Shifting perspectives on colonial architecture in Indonesia’, ABE 3 (2013)
- ‘Abidin Kusno, The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia‘, ABE 3 (2013) (book review)
- ‘Survival of the fifties. Tastbare getuigen van de wederopbouw in Bussum’ [‘Survival of the fifties: Tactile testimonies of the Reconstruction period in Bussum‘], Jaarverslag Commissie Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit, Bussum, 2011, 19-21 / Bussums Historisch Tijdschrift 1 (2013), 36-39
- ‘Designing colonial cities: The making of modern town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia 1905-1950’, International Institute for Asian Studies the Newsletter 57 (2011), 7-9
- ‘Indonesië volgens Schoemaker’ [‘Indonesia according to Schoemaker’], de Architect 9 (2010), 27
- ‘Reciprocity: An attempt to open up the global debate on urbanism and architecture’, Indonesia Design 37 (2010), 92-95
- ‘Reciprocity. Breekijzer voor het wereldwijde debat over stedenbouw en architectuur’ [‘Reciprocity: An attempt to open up the global debate on urbanism and architecture’], ArchiNed (19-10-2009)
- ‘Complicated, challenging and exciting: Rehabilitating colonial built heritage in Indonesia’ in: Min-Fu Hsu, Ping-Sheng Wu (eds.), Whose East Asia? East Asian Architecture and Urbanism under Occidentalism, Society of Architectural Historians of Taiwan & College of Planning and Design/National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 381-396
- ‘Ontwerpen aan de stad. Stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesia (1905-1950)’, KNOB Bulletin 3 (2009), 118-122 (Dutch summary PhD-thesis)
- ‘Heritage trails: International cultural heritage policies in a European perspective’ in: Gert Oostindie (ed.), Dutch Colonialism, Migration and Cultural Heritage, KITLV Press, Leiden, 2008, 23-61 (co-authors Anouk Fienieg, Robert Parthesius, Brittany Groot, Rivke Jaffe, Sjoerd van der Linde)
- ‘Discover ‘Shanghai Architecture‘, Journal for South East Asian Architecture 11 (2008), 87-88
- ‘Discover Shanghai Architecture’, Indonesia Design 29 (2008), 109
- ‘Ontdek de architectuur van Sjanghai’ [‘Discover Shanghai architecture’], de Architect 9 (2008), 117
- ‘Drama y resurrección en Delft’ [‘Down but not out: The loss and resurrection of Delft’s Faculty of Architecture’], Arquine 45 (2008), 16-17 (English translation)
- Ontwerpen aan de stad. Stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesia (1905-1950), Technische Universiteit, Delft, 2008 (PhD-thesis, English summary, propositions)
- ‘For Kota and Kampong: The Emergence of Town Planning as a Discipline’ in: Wim Ravesteijn, Jan Kop (eds.), For Profit and Prosperity: The Contribution made by Dutch Engineers to Public Works in Indonesia 1800-2000, Aprilis, Zaltbommel/KITLV Press, Leiden, 2008, 272-307
- ”We zullen het ze vertellen’. Het vergeten Indische werk van Nederlandse architecten’ [”We will tell them’: The forgotten Dutch Indian oeuvre of Dutch architects’] in: Radboud van Beekum, David Geneste, Jan Vredenberg (eds.), Tjeerd Boersma. Laverend op koers BONAS, Rotterdam, 2007, 108-113
- ‘Sustainable Interventions workshop in Jakarta’ in: Henco Bekkering et.al. (eds.), The Architectural Annual 2005-2006, Delft, 2007, 18-21 (co-authors Sietze Meijer, Wouter Oostendorp)
- ‘Familiar, yet different: Indische architecture and town planning’, Groniek Historisch Tijdschrift 174 (2007), 71-86
- ‘Klein maar fijn. Indische architectuur in het NAi’ [‘Small but precious: Dutch Indian architecture in the NAi’], ArchiNed (2007, February 8)
- ‘Blaricum sous les tropiques. Les principes de l’urbanisme moderne néerlandais en Indonésie’ [‘Blaricum in the tropics: Dutch principles of modern town planning in Indonesia’] in: Marc Pabois, Bernard Toulier (eds.), Architecture coloniale et patrimoine. Expériences européennes, Editions Somogy, Paris, 2006, 58-75 (English translation)
- ‘Le positionnement de l’héritage colonial bâti’ [‘Positioning colonial built heritage’] in: Marc Pabois, Bernard Toulier (eds.), Architecture coloniale et patrimoine. Expériences européennes, Editions Somogy, Paris, 2006, 156-159 (English translation)
- ‘Indisch dorp in de polder’ [‘Indisch village in the polder’], ArchiNed (2006, November 13)
- ‘Langzame Stad. Learning from Jakarta’ [‘Slow City: Learning from Jakarta’], ArchiNed (2006, July 11)
- ‘New building offers opportunities’, Indonesia Design 15 (2006), 86-87 (Indonesian translation)
- ‘Expanding grounds: The roots of spatial planning in Indonesia’ in: Freek Colombijn, Martine Barwegen, Purnawan Basundoro, Johnny Alfian Khusyairi (eds.), Kota lama, kota baru: Sejarah kota-kota di Indonesia sebelum dan setelah kemerdekaan [The history of the Indonesian city before and after Independence], Ombak, Yogyakarta, 2005, 75-117
- ‘Harapan menyala. Kelahiran kembali gedung Lingkaran Seni Hindia-Belanda di Batavia (Jakarta)’, KNOB Bulletin no 6, 214-217, 243
- ‘Hoop gloort. De renaissance van het gebouw van de Nederlandsch-Indische Kunstkring in Batavia (Jakarta) [‘Hope glimmers: The renaissance of the building of the Dutch East Indian Art Society in Batavia (Jakarta)’], KNOB Bulletin 6 (2005), 214-217, 243
- ‘Building in tropical style: A sketch of developments in architecture and town planning in Indonesia during the last two centuries (1-4)’, Indonesia Design 7 (2005), 107-109; 8 (2005), 101-103; 9 (2005), 91-93; 10 (2005), 93-95
- ‘Yours or Mine? Architectural Heritage in Indonesia’, Safeguarding and Revitalizing Local Heritage. Proceedings of mAAN 4th International Conference, mAAN, Shanghai, 2005
- ‘Alles wat zuilen heeft is klassiek. Classicistische ideeën over bouwkunst in Nederland 1765-1850’ [‘Everything with Columns is Classical: Classicistic Ideas on Architecture in The Netherlands 1765-1850’], Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis 4 (2005), 171-173
- ‘Architectuur als decor. Silent Collisions’ [‘Architecture as backdrop: Silent Collisions’], ArchiNed (2005, March 7)
- ‘Voor kota en kampong. Het ontstaan van een stedenbouwkundige discipline’ [‘For kota and kampong: The emergence of town planning as a discipline’] in: Wim Ravesteijn, Jan Kop (eds.), Bouwen in de archipel. Burgerlijke Openbare Werken in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië 1800-2000, [Building in the Archipelago: Public Works in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia 1800-2000], Walburg Pers, Zwolle 2003, 205-236
- ‘Awal penataan ruang di Indonesia’ [‘The roots of spatial planning in Indonesia’] in: N. Jenny M.T. Hardjatno, Febi Harta (eds.), Sejarah penataan ruang Indonesia 1948-2000. Beberapa ungkapan [History of Indonesian Spatial Planning 1948-2000. Some Examples], Departemen Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah, Jakarta 2004, 9-42
- ‘Image, style and status: A sketch of the role and impact of private enterprise as a commissioner on architecture and urban development in the Dutch East Indies from 1870 to 1942’, Journal for South East Asian Architecture 5&6 (2003), 61-74
- ‘News from Indonesia: Foundation of DOCOMOMO Indonesia’, DOCOMOMO International 29 (2003), 12-13 (co-author Lucas van Zuijlen)
- ‘Changing views on colonial heritage’ in: R. van Oers, S. Haraguchi (eds.), Identification and Documentation of Modern Heritage. World Heritage Papers 5, UNESCO, Paris, 2003, 122-128
- ‘Een tropische verrassing. Het moderne bouwen in Nederlands-Indië’ [‘A tropical surprise: Modern building in the Dutch East Indies’], Nieuwsbrief DOCOMOMO Nederland 5 (2003), 6-8
- ‘2003 is Indonesisch Erfgoed Jaar’ [‘2003 is Indonesian Heritage Year’], Heemschut 2 (2003), 40-42
- ‘Pusaka Indonesia: Suatu perjuangan atau impian?’ [‘Heritage: A way of life or a daydream?’], Kompas (2003, April 27) (English translation)
- ‘Indonesia hadir di Biennale Arsitektur Internasional Rotterdam’ [‘Indonesia participates in International Architectural Biennial Rotterdam’], Kompas (2002, October 27) (English translation)
- ‘Architectuur als decor II’ [‘Architecture as backdrop II’], ArchiNed (2001, October 9)
- ‘Architectuur als décor’ [‘Architecture as backdrop’], ArchiNed (2001, March 12)
- ‘Lagi-lagi museum’ [‘Another Museum’], Kompas (2001, January 7) (English translation)
- ‘Snelle wind, koude kerst’ [‘Fast Wind, Cold Xmas’], ArchiNed (2000, December)
- ‘Young Dutch Architects 2000. Zeven jonge Nederlandse architecten op bezoek bij hun Indonesische collega’s in Jakarta (Indonesië) [‘Young Dutch Architects 2000. 7 young Dutch architects visiting their Indonesian colleagues in Jakarta (Indonesia)’], ArchiNed (2000, October)
- ‘A.F. Aalbers (1897-1961)’, ArchiNed (2000, June 13)
- ‘Indisch Bouwen’ [‘Dutch East Indian Architecture’], de Architect (1998), 65-67
- ‘London 1944: Greater London Plan’ in: K. Bosma, H. Hellinga (eds.), Mastering the city: North-European town planning 1900-2000, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 1997, 258-265
- ‘Le Havre 1946: Plan for Reconstruction’ in: K. Bosma, H. Hellinga (eds.), Mastering the city: North-European town planning 1900-2000, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 1997, 266-273
- Jaarverslag 1996 [Annual Report 1996], Netherlands Architecture Fund, Rotterdam 1997
- Vragen, opdrachten en correctiemodel bij de videoband Twee eeuwen verbeelding [Questions, assigments and answers for the audiovisual teaching method Two centuries imagination], Katholiek Pedagogisch Centrum, Den Bosch 1996
- Andermaal herrezen. Aspecten van de wederopbouw van West Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen [Risen again: Aspects of the Reconstruction of West Zeeland Flanders], Stichting Raadskelder, Sluis 1994